What is HEMA?
HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts) refers to the martial arts, of fighting with or without weapons, of European origin. They are based on documented methods, whose practice was discontinued at a time, or that have evolved in other martial arts.
Within HEMA, martial arts specific to the Middle Ages and the Renaissance are practiced - based on late medieval treatises and battle books describing dueling techniques, self-defense, and war strategies using a wide array of weapons - and reaching up to the modern early age - a period in which martial arts begin to take on sports uses.
What weapons do we study?
Long sword, weapon used especially in the late Middle Ages and Renaissance which allows its use in a wide range of styles and techniques. Within SMG, we are studying long-sword fighting techniques following the tradition of the German school, Liechtenauer.
Armă adecvată pentru penetrare, utilizată, cu precădere, de către persoane civile, pentru dueluri și autoapărare. Noi practicăm lupta cu rapiera dupa maestrii de scrima italieni si spanioli (verdadera destreza) din perioada renasterii.
Side sword, spada da lato, war rapier etc. provine din arming sword-ul medieval la a cărui gardă s-au adăugat doua inele pentru o priză mai bună pe ricasso. Este foarte versatilă, putând fi folosită singură sau împreuna cu pumnal, rotella, buckler etc. Se studiază tehnici de luptă după școala italiană.
Armă utilizată preponderent de către calaverie în război. Principala caracteristică este lama ușor curbată, cu un singur tăiș. Studiem în principal tehnicile de luptă poloneze.

Societas Milites Getae
About Us
The "Societas Milites Getae" Association, founded in 2012, has as its main purpose the Study, Experimentation and Promotion of Military History from the Renaissance through the HEMA practice.
SMG was born from a group of friends passionate about history and became the first and largest HEMA club in Bucharest, organizing annual cultural-historical and sports events, to disseminate the techniques and styles of historical fencing. We also hold weelky HEMA practice.
Training Schedule
In the last week of the month there are free introductory courses, we will show you all the weapons studied in the club and depending on what attracts you the most, you can start studying with one of the groups.
We have two monthly training plans that give you access to one or two workouts per week.
Where do we practice?
Bd. Theodor Pallady nr. 250 ( incinta Liceului Tehnologic Theodor Pallady ), București
Frequently Asked Questions
A very good question. In the first trainings you will only need light sports clothes that will not hinder your movements, shoes that will not slip, a pair of gloves and possibly a replacement T-shirt.
After a few sessions you will need to buy protective equipment. HEMA being a contact sport, safety is first, so coaches do not allow more complex exercises without the minimum of equipment needed: fencing mask, jacket and gloves. These are personal and do not transfer for obvious hygiene reasons. Their cost varies depending on the model.
Over time you will have to purchase all the pieces of equipment. For more details about the type of HEMA equipment, costs and purchase mode, we discuss during practice.
Fitness is the foundation for a good performance if you get tired before the "enemy", you lose! Fortunately, however, physical condition is trained. We have a recommended exercise program for home. More details discuss the training.
But more important than physical condition is the mental one.
First, you have to have the desire to learn. Our coaches do this out of passion and are always willing to answer questions, as are our more advanced colleagues. There is no stupid question, we are here to learn together.
Patience is a key element in HEMA. Being a martial art, it will take time to master the key elements. Sometimes progression will be slow and with bumps. You need a lot of dedication and study to master the techniques of European historical combat.
In the last week of every month you can come any day to free initiation courses, but until then, we invite you to attend any training, someone will tell you more about HEMA and how we practice it. Once you have decided that you want to practice HEMA, you can join one of the groups and, depending on which subscription you choose, you will participate in one or more weekly trainings and you will have the opportunity to sign up for competitions and other events organized by the club.